90 Day Tithing Challenge
As followers of Christ, we align with God's will, word, and ways to propel the Kingdom of God forward.
"Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." These enduring words from Genesis 8:22 reflect God's unwavering promise to us.
Engaging with the heavenly economy requires faith and a covenant with God. Abraham demonstrated this by faithfully tithing a tenth of his wealth as an act of worship, acknowledging the prosperity God granted him (Genesis 14:17-24, Hebrews 7:1-10).
At Hope Christian Church (HCC), we uphold tithing and giving as foundational biblical principles. If you haven't started tithing yet, we encourage you to seek God's guidance and take a step of faith. To support you in this, HCC introduces our annual 90-Day Tithing Challenge, backed by a money-back guarantee. Led by Apostle Michele and our church leaders, we stand firm in the blessings of tithing, trusting that God will unveil a cascade of blessings as promised in Malachi 3:10 when you embrace this scriptural principle.
The challenge starts on January 4, 2025, and concludes on April 5, 2025. If you perceive no change in your life after 90 days, HCC will refund your tithes. Traditional offerings to further God’s work at HCC.
- To access the money-back guarantee, you must enroll in the 90-day challenge.
We are excited to agree in prayer with you!