Hope Healing House
At HCC, the Hope Healing House offers two unique ministry formats for effective ministry: Issue-Focused Ministry and Thorough Format Ministry (based on the format pioneered by Chester and Betsy Kylstra at Restoring the Foundations) to help you become free and grow into the image and stature of Jesus Christ. Often times, there is one major issue that stands out to us in our lives. It’s the one that everything seems to hinge on and brings us trouble.
Through it all, we may feel ashamed, fear, anger, pain, regretful or confused. Perhaps the issue flares up or is triggered only in certain circumstances, environments or relationships. Perhaps this has been an on-going issue. The Hope Healing House Ministry Team can help you.
Please contact hopehealinghouse@
We have ministers who minister to men, women, and couples; if you would like your minor child to receive ministry, please indicate their age in your inquiry.
Issue Focused Ministry
Our issue focused ministry will focus primarily on the issue bringing trouble in your life. Together, through prayer, you and your healing ministry team will discover how the four spiritual sources of our problems work together to inflame your issue. You and your healing team will apply biblical truths to each source of the issue as we listen to God for both counsel and direction to bring forth the healing that Jesus Christ purchased for you on the cross. The ministry session is customized to you and lasts approximately three hours. These three hours can profoundly change your life as God sets you free from the root causes of an on-going burden in your life. This is the starting place for all seeking inner healing, desiring to be all that God has called them to be or those seeking deliverance.
Thorough Format Ministry
There may be many issues, and some seem to be related and others not–it can be confusing. The fabric of life can get quite tangled and we need God’s help in order to reveal patterns, cause and effect relationships. Maybe we can’t point to a single issue that’s bothering us.
This ministry experience examines the four sources of our problems that we all experience. As we go through the ministry experience, God reveals patterns and cause and effect relationships–suddenly, understanding emerges. Often you can point to several troubling issues, but at other times issues are uncovered that start to shed light on and make sense of circumstances in our lives we didn’t quite understand. While the approach is systematic and thorough, God is tender and loving in revealing and healing our hurt. The Holy Spirit leads and guides the ministry.
During the 15 hours of ministry, we will apply the foundational truths to each source from which come our problems and systematically address the spiritual root causes as God graciously prepares our hearts and minds to receive his love. We’ll begin with getting to know one another and spend about three hours asking you questions and letting you clarify the issues and history in your life. The following four, three-hour sessions will each focus on one of the four source areas. The person receiving ministry experiences an encounter with Father, Son and Holy Spirit throughout the ministry sessions. Freedom and healing is experienced in a personal way. The person is equipped and empowered throughout the sessions with the tools needed to maintain their freedom. It is life-changing.
Although my husband and I have been married for many years, we would like to think we were too old to make changes. We discovered through RTF ministry that there are absolutey no limits to what God can do as we yield to him. We discovered that there were generational blessing that were being held up because of sin and curses that hadn't been repented from. There were ungodly beliefs that we were speaking overoursevles and therefore over our marriage. We had no idea that this demonic cycle was in operation in our marriage. We are ffreer than we have ever been and knew to strive to be. I am warriated to a different man and mu husband is married to a different woman. We are continously being freed little by little. I thank God for Hope Church and for RTF Ministry. - Anonymous
I found out about RTF Ministry in April and didn't hesitate to sign up. I lost confidence in myself over the years, especially in the job market. I've passed up a lot of opportunities because I felt that I was unqualified for the role I was applying for. My ministers helped me get a hold of the root issues of anger toward my parents. They helped me to forgive my parents for the word curses and gave the list of declarations Father God spoke over me in ministry. I'm becoming more confident in myself and finally able to move on with my life. - Anonymous
Being a pastor's kid can be challenging. I had limiting beliefs based on my strict upbringing. Through the ministry, I was able to see that my parents did the best they could and that I can heal and trust my life in God's hands. - Anonymous
Shame was a way my father used to control me. I used the same mechanisms with my children and grandchildren and didn't realize it until I received ministry through RTF. I shared the shame of having an abortion with my granddaughter who shared she had also had an abortion. I was able to minister to her and it opened another level of communication. I know because of my healing, I can break the generational curses in my family. - Anonymous
Issue Focused Ministry has been extremely helpful in repairing my soul. I would constantly deal with condemnation, trust issues and thoughts that my highest calling was disqualified because of my actions and struggles in the past. Now I am free in my communion with God, His perfect love has washed over my haert, mind and has given me peace and stillness. Trust issues were also problems because of family division and seeing the men in my family cheat. This planted a seed that caused me to be at arms length from others in all of my relationships. I would not allow anyone to get close. Since mnistry, I've learned to love people more freely and not to carry an apprehension of being hurt. The love of God has filled that area. I no longer project my hurt onto others, but can see their pain through the lens of love. Concerning my past, it was rough at my old church and I didn't leave well. It made me believe that God was through with me and I wouldn't be used by God at a high level because of my battles at my old church. Through my time in ministry, it has helped me to properly internalize reality and let go of ungodly beliefs. The Lord has freed my heart and mind! - Anonymous