<p><strong>ASCENSION PRAYER & FASTING</strong></p>

<p><strong>November 4-6, 2024</strong></p>

November 4-6, 2024



Each year, I seek the Lord regarding His plan for our church. The Father impressed upon my heart that 2024 at HCC is the Year of Ascension. The first chapter of Acts speaks of Jesus' ascension having completed His earthly assignment and the beginning of His heavenly assignment until his return. In Revelation 4:1, there is a call for John the Revelator to  "Come up Higher (Rev. 4:1)." Further, Ephesians 2 tells us that we are not only raised to life in Christ Jesus, but that we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. 

You and I know that the kingdom of this world does not operate like the Kingdom of God. Through self-adoration, pride, self-promotion and manipulation (to name a few), the enemy and those under his authority work acts of darkness and witchcraft in order to see progression and momentum. In the Kingdom of God, we learn to walk in the light as Jesus Christ is in the light and have fellowship with Him (1 John 1:7-9). We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live free, holy; committing acts of righteousness producing the fruit of the Spirit and nature of Christ within us. Repentance breaks us free from the power of sin and death. During this Year of Ascension, I believe you are going to discover new dimensions of a pure heart (Matthew 5:8), along with walking in the authority of sonship in a greater way and that as you go higher to take your seat - there is revelation and impartation for you to navigate these days with the wisdom and spirit of God. 

Each month the leaders and I commit to pray for 24 hours for you, the ministry, the region and the nation. I want to invite you to be intentional in your walk with our Father God in 2024. 

Here are the details:

  • Seek the Lord each month with 3 days of fasting and prayer. 
  • We will continue to gather corporately for prayer.
  • As you set this time aside, it is to seek the Lord personally, to build your prayer altar, ascend personally 
  • The fasting hours will be 5am - 5pm EST (water/juice only) over the 3 days; Nov 4-6, 2024

**Please consult your doctor and follow medical advice as applicable.**

Every month, I will communicate a theme that you can lean into along with the leading of the Holy Spirit as you take your seat.

To be a part and get all the dates and details, register here

I look forward to this journey with you.

Yours, in turning the hearts of youth and families to one another,

Apostle Jackson